European Culture Route Fortified Monuments - FORTE CULTURA®

Fortress Ingolstadt Germany

The Schanz - Major Fortress System on the Danube

Discover fortress history and modernity in the city of transformation

Ingolstadt impresses with its architectural splendour and rich history. Fortified and constantly expanded from the 13th century onwards, the Kingly Bavarian State Fortress set new standards in the 19th century as the most modern polygonal fortification of its time. Two fortification rings with over 30 outer forts form the forward barriers of the large fortification system.

Visit the Bavarian Army Museum in the late-medieval New Castle or stroll along the medieval and modern city ramparts and enjoy the many walking paths in the Glacis or along the Künettegraben. Also switch to the southern side of the Danube and explore the classicist Reduit Tilly, the centrepiece of the bridgehead with the two flank batteries and the Klenzepark.

With FORTE CULTURA, discover Ingolstadt, the City of Transformation, where fortress history and modernity combine in a fascinating way.

Experience World

New Palace with Bavarian Army Museum


The New Palace, the former ducal residence of Ingolstadt, is located directly on Paradeplatz. The building complex, historically also known as the "Neuveste", with its massive fortifications and moats once formed both a representative and defence cornerstone in the south-east of Ingolstadt. Today, it is home to the Bavarian Army Museum, one of the great military history museums in Europe.

Visit exciting exhibitions and numerous events in a historical setting.

Bridgehead with Reduit Tilly and flank batteries Triva and Baur in Klenzepark


The impressive Reduit Tilly was built in 1828-41 under King Ludwig I in the classicist style after Leo von Klenze and forms the main part of the bridgehead on the southern bank of the Danube. Also called Tillyveste, it is now another site of the Bavarian Army Museum as the "Museum of the First World War". Architect Leo von Klenze is also the namesake of today's Klenzepark, which encompasses the entire ensemble of the bridgehead.

This also includes the Triva and Baur towers, the two oval flank batteries of the bridgehead. Tower Triva houses the Bavarian Police Museum, also part of the Bavarian Army Museum. Today, the fortress vaults of the flank battery are home to a restaurant and beer garden. Art exhibitions are sometimes held in the parade ground. A large playground and a varied garden and park provide relaxation.

Medieval ramparts


The medieval city wall, a 3-kilometre-long, today plastered brick wall with 87 semicircular towers and defence gates, was built from the 14th century onwards and was completed by the beginning of the 15th century. It has been almost completely preserved and can be found in many places in the old town. The imposing Kreuztor (1385), the Münzbergturm (around 1400) and the Taschenturm (around 1390) are particularly worth seeing.

If you cross the castle courtyard and go through the old Feldkirchner Tor (Feldkirchen Gate) dating from 1368, you will reach the Rossmühle (horse mill) via a footbridge, which was once important for the secure supply of flour to the fortifications of the New Castle, as only grain could be stored for longer.

Harder bastion


The Harderbastei dates from 1539 and is located in the north of Ingolstadt's old town. There was previously a medieval gateway to the city here, which was closed off with the new bastion for strategic reasons. In 1800, the bastion was ground down on Napoleon's orders, but the entrance to the city was not restored.

Today it houses the City Gallery with the Children's and Youth Art School and the business stables of the Professional Association of Fine Artists. The Kunst und Kulturbastei e.V. offers a variety of workshops for children, young people and adults.

Cavalier Hepp with New Cross Gate


The fortress building, erected from 1838 to 1843, is named after the Major of the Bavarian Army Kaspar von Hepp (1758-1806). In front of the cavalier is the Outer Cross Gate, a representative gate building of this section of the fortress.

Today it houses the Ingolstadt City History Centre with the City Museum. In more than 50 exhibition rooms, the regional development from Stone Age settlement, through the Middle Ages, the residence, war and university periods, and the exciting development of the city and fortress up to the 20th century is shown here.

Furthermore, the Toy Museum attracts visitors to the Kavalier Hepp as a "Children's Museum to join in with". The City Archive and the Scientific Library are also housed in the extensive fortress building.



As part of the classicist fortifications, the Schutterhof once housed the military swimming school. Here, the small river Schutter was channelled into the city, which was considered a weak point. The site was fortified in such a way that invading enemies could be fired upon from four sides.

The fortifications were revived by a friendly beer garden with local specialities and ducal beer. Barrier-free and with plenty of space, the Schutterhof is very family-friendly. The vaults of the Schutterhof also invite you to celebrate festivities, e.g. with knightly palate feast in historical garments.



The Scherbelberg is a mountain of rubble about 25 metres high, which was heaped up in the 1930s from rubble from the state fortress after the First World War. From the mountain you have a beautiful view of part of the old town.

Under the Scherbelberg, fortifications have been preserved which were used as air raid shelters for up to 300 people during the Second World War. Today, guided tours can be booked on request.

Fort Prince Charles (Fort VI)


Fort Prince Charles is located in the north-east of the city and is the only largely preserved fort of the outer fort belt built from 1875 onwards. The fort was built as a so-called "Biehler fort", a Prussian unitary work of the late 19th century.

Due to the progressive development of artillery, the fort was extensively reinforced as early as 1889/90. Today, the Ingolstadt Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service is located here. Regular guided tours are offered in the summer months by the Bavarian Army Museum and the Support Association of the Bavarian State Fortress Ingolstadt.

Swimming pool Ingolstadt


Ingolstadt's open-air swimming pool is located in the middle of the city's fortifications from the first half of the 19th century. The many brick walls give the pool a unique character, so that it can rightly be called one of the most beautiful outdoor pools in Bavaria. The integration of two pools and the beach volleyball court in front of and inside the fortress walls is particularly successful. The Scherblberg and the Schutterhof beer garden are in the immediate vicinity.



The trench box of the Fronte Preysing fortress section, Battery 94, is now home to an extremely active cultural association that runs the building as Kap94. Concerts, readings, poetry slam events and much more regularly take place there. It is particularly worth mentioning that the roof of the defence works is also used for events, which is a real insider tip, especially on balmy summer nights!

Fronte Rechberg


The area of the Rechberg front in the east of the old town is one of the best-preserved parts of the city wall, which represents the first of the three fortification rings around the city. The ceremonial laying of the foundation stone on the northern bank of the Danube took place here in 1834. Preserved are a caponniere, the main rampart with infantry gallery, a traverse building, a guardhouse, a gun emplacement, the city gate "Zweites Neues Feldkirchner Tor", the cavaliers Heydeck and Elbracht, the right part of a counter-guard, a redoubt, the counter-terminal system as well as the glacis with breastworks. Parts of it, which were used e.g. as air-raid shelters during the Second World War and afterwards as accommodation for refugees from the former German eastern territories, can be visited on special guided tours.

Interested groups can request special tours through the Friends of the Bavarian State Fortress Ingolstadt.

Tour Offers and Information

Ingolstadt fortified - Imposing testimonies to the Bavarian state fortress

The city of Ingolstadt offers a wide range of guided tours and tours on the history of the state fortress. Discover Ingolstadt from special perspectives on city and theme tours such as:
- Ingolstadt Fortress - Bavarian State Fortress,.
- Front Rechberg,
- Scherbelberg bunker,
- From the Scherbelberg to the Schutterhof,
- Ingolstadt Fortress - Building Blocks of a Bavarian State Fortress - Bicycle Tour,
- Fortress tour from woman to woman, and many more.

Contact for public and private tours is the Tourist Information:
Moritzstraße 19
85049 Ingolstadt
Telephone: +49 (0)841/305-3030

Ingolstadt Fortress Tour

The ingolstadt fortress tour can be done individually at any time.
The corresponding folding map is available at the Tourist Information.
Moritzstraße 19
85049 Ingolstadt
Telephone: +49 (0)841/305-3030


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Monument and History


Due to its location on the Danube, Ingolstadt was already an important crossroads of long-distance traffic routes in prehistoric times and later in Roman times. The first mention of Ingolstadt can be found in a document of Charlemagne in 806. Around 1270, Ingolstadt demonstrably had a city wall, of which the Old Castle (today known as the Herzogskasten) still exists and is used as the city library.

Due to the division of Bavaria into two duchies, Ingolstadt became the capital and residence of the Duchy of Bavaria-Ingolstadt in 1392 (1392-1447). The construction of the second medieval city wall, begun as early as 1368, was completed by 1430. The city wall contained 87 semicircular towers, which is why Ingolstadt was given the nickname "the Hundred Towers".

In 1472, the first university in Bavaria was founded in Ingolstadt, which later distinguished itself as a centre of the Counter-Reformation. Ingolstadt was also an important trading centre for salt, wine and beer.

In 1537 Ingolstadt became the Bavarian state fortress of Ingolstadt and was expanded as a bastioned Renaissance fortress from 1539 to 1565. This gave it the nickname "Die Schanz".

As early as 1546, during the Schmalkaldic War, troops of the Schmalkaldic League and the imperial troops of Charles V clashed outside the city gates of Ingolstadt for two weeks, but without any major consequences.

During the Thirty Years' War, Gustav II Adolf of Sweden shelled Ingolstadt from the south. However, he broke off the attempt to take the city after a week following heavy losses. Whether the fact that his horse was even literally shot "out from under him" during a reconnaissance expedition contributed to this is still disputed today. After the Swedes withdrew, the animal was brought to the city and prepared. The "Swedish grey horse" can be seen today in the city museum and is considered the oldest preserved taxidermy in Europe.

During the War of the Spanish Succession, Ingolstadt was besieged again in 1704 without success. However, the fortress was surrendered under the Treaty of Ilbesheim and remained under the administration of imperial troops until 1715.

In 1799, Napoleonic troops occupied the fortress of Ingolstadt. The university was transferred to Landshut and the fortress was ordered to be razed.
As early as 1806, it was decided to rebuild the fortress, but due to a lack of funds it could not be realised until 1828. The Royal Bavarian Mainland Fortress became the largest and most expensive building project during the reign of King Ludwig I. In 1861, the classicist fortress housed around 12,750 soldiers of the Bavarian army - compared to around 7,000 Ingolstadt citizens.

From 1866, the Vorwerkgürtel (middle ring) was built around the city, followed by the outer Fortgürtel from 1875.
The construction of the fortress strengthened the transport infrastructure: in 1867 a railway connection was established, and businesses such as the "Königlich Bayerische Geschütz- und Geschoßgießerei" (Royal Bavarian Gun and Bullet Foundry) ensured an economic upswing.

During the First World War Ingolstadt was at times occupied by over 40,000 soldiers, the fortress buildings were used as prisoner-of-war camps and two reserve hospitals were set up in the city.
In 1937, the city's status as a fortress was revoked. By 1938, the approximately 100 Jewish residents had been expelled. In 1944, Fort VIII (Manching) became a Wehrmacht prison, in which 76 members of the Wehrmacht were executed by the end of the war for undermining military morale or desertion. From January 1945, the town was the target of Allied bombing raids.

After the war, emergency accommodation for refugees was set up in the fortifications. From the mid-1950s, the pioneer barracks on the Schanz were built as Bundeswehr barracks: Today it houses the Pioneer School, the Army Technical School for Civil Engineering and the Centre for Civil Engineering as well as the Mountain Engineer Battalion 8.

Quelle: Ausschnitt © Bayerisches Armeemuseum, Ingolstadt
Quelle: Lithografie von Anton Hoffmann 1896
Quelle: © Matthäus Merian


The first and oldest city wall was built in the 13th century and consisted of a rectangle with 4 corner towers. The Old Castle - today called the Duke's Box - was part of the fortification and is today the only remnant of this first medieval city fortification.

From 1368 to 1430, the second medieval city wall was built. A 6-8 metre high city wall and 87 semicircular towers at intervals of about 30 metres secured the city and earned it the nickname "the hundred-towered one" (lat. ad centum turres). It has almost been preserved, worth seeing are the Kreuztor, the Münzbergturm and the old Feldkirchner Tor.

In 1539, the foundation stone was laid for the construction of the first Bavarian state fortress. Until 1565, a bastioned Renaissance fortress was built on both sides of the Danube under Duke Wilhelm IV, planned by Reinhard Graf Solms zu Münzenberg and executed by master fortress builder Georg Stern. The New Palace was also fortified with bastions and further ditches.

Under master fortress builder Christoph Heidemann, further reinforcements took place in the 17th century. He had the inner moat wall raised and placed detached bastions, mostly in the form of a lunette, in front of the existing bastions. Three additional bastions were also built and the Harder Gate, which was considered a weak point, was closed.

After the fortress was razed by Napoleonic troops, it was rebuilt from 1828 as a classical polygonal fortress and two fortification belts (from 1866 and 1875). This made Ingolstadt a "fortress of the first rank", providing sufficient space for the Bavarian army to prepare for campaigns and sufficient cover and storage space after campaigns. In addition to the purely defensive buildings, the military authorities also erected numerous supply and residential buildings, turning Ingolstadt into the industrial "armoury" of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with a powder factory, bullet factory and ammunition factory. It was the second largest armaments location in the German Empire after Spandau at this time.

After all, with a wartime garrison of 30,000 men and a stockpile of 400 guns, the Ingolstadt fortress was considered highly resistant and no enemy was expected to be strong enough for a formal attack.

After the Second World War, all the fortifications of the outer fort belt were blown up, with the exception of Fort Prinz Karl (Fort VI) near Katharinenberg near Großmehring. However, considerable remains can still be found on some of the rubble sites, and the outlines are usually still clearly visible on aerial photographs.

Detailed descriptions of the construction stages and development phases of the state fortress can be found on the website of the Förderverein Bayerische Landesfestung Ingolstadt e.V. at

Quelle: Stadt Ingolstadt
Quelle: © nach Kleemann, Förderverein Bayerische Landesfestung Ingolstadt e.V.
Quelle: © Christian Karl

Nature Experience

Ingolstadt has numerous parks, extensive green spaces and forests. The most characteristic is the glacis, the apron of the former fortress belt around the actual city centre. In the 19th century, the glacis was laid out as part of the state fortifications as an open, grassy firing field in front of the fortifications. The 100-hectare green belt enclosed the old town with areas of woodland, meadows and water. Attackers found no cover here. Today, Ingolstadt residents and visitors alike enjoy a green oasis that radiates harmony between nature and historic fortifications. Extensive footpaths and cycle paths open up the idyllic nature belt.

In the midst of the magnificent fortifications of the bridgehead is the Klenzepark, laid out on the occasion of the State Garden Show in 1992 with meadows, avenues, water features, a rose garden, perennial areas and a plant labyrinth. Children will love the Fort Peyerl play park. A beer garden and the Gardens of the Senses also attract visitors to Klenzepark, which is also the venue for top-class open-air events.

The largest forest in Ingolstadt is the Auwald (Schüttel) on the northern and southern banks of the Danube. It is one of the largest continuously preserved floodplain forests in Germany. The floodplain forest serves as a nature reserve with vegetation and animal species that are partly unique in the region, and also as a green lung and (near-natural) recreation area.

Along the Danube there are further nature and recreation areas as well as a biotope adventure trail in three sections.

Quelle: © Maximilian Schuster
Quelle: Stadt Ingolstadt
Quelle: Stadt Ingolstadt